Ulano Screen Degreaser #3


Ulano Degreaser 3 is a degreaser solution that removes dirt, dust and oils from all mesh, new and used. Degreasing should be considered a first step in stencil-making, as it greatly reduces the risk of stencil-making failure, extends on-press stencil longevity, and alleviates pinholing. Screen Degreaser Liquid No. 3 is ready-to-use–no mixing. Degreases effectively in hard water. Rinses clean with hot or cold water. Non-caustic–will not harm frames, mesh, or adhesives on stretch and glue frames.

SKU: N/A Category:


  • Degreaser solution that removes dirt, dust and oils from mesh
  • Ready to use
  • Non-caustic

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Product Size

1 Gallon, 1 Quart


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